February Member of the Month – CrossFit HCC
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February Member of the Month


February Member of the Month

img_1002Join us in saying congratulations to February’s member of the month, Adam O’Brien. For those of you who come to the evening class, you know Adam as the quiet strength at 6:30pm. While Adam often explains he enjoys a good beer after a long day, his dedication to working out every night is admirable. Adam had the third highest attendance in 2016. He always pushes himself to the last minute of a workout and has made remarkable improvements over the year! Adam PR’ed 64 times in the past 12 months which is over 5 times a month, the most of any member this year! Thanks for your continued support of CF HCC and we can’t wait to see what this year holds for you.

Some words from Adam….

Why do you do CrossFit?
It’s the best workout and training you can get in less than an hour. A lot of people wander around regular gyms for hours and don’t get anywhere near the workout you can get in a 12 minute AMRAP at CrossFit. It’s great showing up everyday and having the lift and workout on the board for you. The structure builds in a competitive aspect whether you’re trying to get a new PR, beat the clock, or just trying to keep up with some of the other members in class.

Favorite Movemeant:
Front Squats. I feel like working on them has helped me improve in a lot of different lifts and movements. They have also helped me drastically improve some areas of my mobility over the past year.

What makes you stay at CrossFit HCC?
The coaches. They are always helping to fix your lift or pushing you to keep moving during the WOD. They keep you working hard and progressing every day.

Future Goals:
To finally be able to string together more than a few pull ups or be able to do DBUs. They both slow me down a lot in a decent amount of WODs.

Advice for newbies?
Stick with it. The first few weeks (or months) can be rough no matter what your fitness level was prior to CrossFit. You’ll start to see some improvements fairly quickly as long as you keep working hard.

Tell us a fun fact or something you do outside of CrossFit?
I like to travel as much as possible whether its for work or fun. I’m also a big fan of a good beer or cocktail which can make it pretty difficult to make those 9:30 Partner WODs on Saturday.


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