WOD 4/13/22 – CrossFit HCC
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WOD 4/13/22


WOD 4/13/22

CrossFit HCC – CrossFit


1: Metcon (8 Rounds for weight)

Every 2 Mins Complete the Following Reps for 1+1/4 Back Squat:

0-2: 8 Reps

2-4: 6 Reps

4-6: 4 Reps

6-8: 2 Reps

8-10: 2 Reps

10-12: 4 Reps

12-14: 6 Reps

14-16: 8 Reps

*Increase Weight from 0-8 minutes and decrease Weight as needed from 8-16 minutes.

Rest 2 Minutes

2: Metcon (No Measure)

EMOM x16

5 KB Deadlifts + 5 KBS + 5 Goblet Squats (53/35)

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