June Member of the Month – CrossFit HCC
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June Member of the Month


June Member of the Month

Join us in saying Congratulations to June’s Member of the Month, Marcy Colasanto! Marcy is the epitome of a dedicated member, her love for CrossFit is undeniable. Marcy began with us in October 2015 and has never looked back, she is truly part of the CF HCC family. Marcy excels at so many movements and always has a positive attitude in class. She recently PR’d her back squat at 155lbs! Great job girl.

You can find Marcy at all different classes during the week and sometimes more than once a day! Even with her busy work schedule, watching her favorite little sidekick and other extracurricular activities, she manages to commit time every week to fitness. She keeps us on her toes with her upbeat jokes and different hair styles. We are lucky to have her as a member and will be interviewing gyms in Boston to be sure they are up to our standards for her, haha. Marcy is loved by all and will be sorely missed when she moves this summer for a new job.

No one will ever be able to replace her and there is no chance we could forget you, so don’t forget to visit! We hope Boston has everything you are looking for and wish you lots of luck!

Why do you do CrossFit?
Well one reason is to get myself in shape… I used to try to do that with a monthly membership to planet fitness…which I think I may have used all of 5 times over the 4 years that I had it, needless to say I needed a new type of workout program. So once I finally decided to stop being intimidated by the idea of CrossFit and actually give it chance, I fell in love with it! I never pictured myself being someone who actually loved going to the gym and lifting weights but CrossFit HCC changed that! Whether it’s a 10 minute AMRAP or one of the longest workouts I’ve ever done: the “Murph” hero WOD, I always feel like I am getting a great workout.

Favorite Move:
Back squats and hang power cleans, I recently PR’d in both these movements and hit weights I literally never thought I’d be able to. Also rope climbs, even though I’ve only done them twice I’m still proud of myself for actually making it to the top!

What makes you stay at CrossFit HCC?
Honestly, the people! All of the coaches are extremely encouraging and always push me to work my hardest while making sure my form is perfect. Also I couldn’t ask for a better group of athletes to work out alongside me! There’s a sense of family at CrossFit HCC…I enjoy being able to joke around and laugh with everyone at the gym while getting my ass kicked by the WODs Matt comes up with!

Future Goals:
Improve my double-unders and be able to do more than 10 in a row without messing up! It’s one of the hardest and most frustrating things for me.

Advice for newbies?
Keep going. You’re going to be sore (probably very sore some days) but it will be worth it! Don’t stop going just because something is hard or you think you can’t do it.

Tell us a fun fact or something you do outside of CrossFit?
Well since I have the greatest niece in the world, when I’m not working or at the gym, I’m usually hanging with her! Some random facts about me are that I’m addicted to online shopping…some weeks I literally get packages like every other day. Also, it’s bittersweet but I will be moving to Boston next month for a travel nurse job (which most of you already know). I know it will be nearly impossible to find a gym family I love as much as you all!

Words from Marcy:
Remember that you’re definitely capable of way more than you give yourself credit for. I started CrossFit barely able to back squat the empty bar and now I PR’d at 155# (with hopes of more someday soon). AND most importantly—don’t forget about me when I move 🙂 I’ll be back to drop in for a WOD every once in a while.

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